Passive Gauges and Controllers

Passive Gauges and Controllers


Whilst active gauging now dominates the market, there are still niche applications in which passive gauging is supreme. These include any application where having electronics close to the experiment would result in failure of the device. Drive electronics are still needed to control the gauge, but these can be kept remotely in our dedicated controller that can be placed up to 50m away from the gauge to give a “local” display and pressure output to your system.

Edwards Passive gauges are gauge heads without onboard electronics: well suited to environments with high amounts of radiation or very high ambient temperatures.

The head that is attached to the system only contains the items needed for the physical measurement and all other electronics is contained in the controller. As such the controller and cable have to be specific to the desired gauge.

Rugged and accurate solutions for the harshest environments:

Dedicated controllers

Passive gauges electronics are kept in a separate controller, which is what enables them to cope in irradiated environments. Two controllers are available in the range: analogue and digital outputs, on board set points to offer you the choice on how to integrate into your wider system.