GasCheck G4

GasCheck G4


Successor to the popular GasCheck G3, the new model G4 features an improved Micro Thermal Conductivity sensor for enhanced sensitivity and piezo disc pump for increased reliability.

GasCheck G4 advanced gas leak detector

At the heart of the instrument is a sensor which can detect any gas with a different thermal conductivity to that of air. Leaks can be located, and the gas leak rate shown on the large LCD colour display in a choice of convenient units. The handheld leak detector holds an easily selected internal library of gases specific to your application. Datalogging with the GasCheck G4 is now possible over a long period of time (up to 10 days continuous) meaning less back and forth to download data.

As part of the GasCheck G4 kit you receive a lightweight portable carry case, which is a good source of protection when the device is in transit. The carry case holds the handheld gas leak detector, key accessories, and cables, more of which are available separately.

Features and Benefits of GasCheck G4


Technical Specifications

 Technical specifications   
 Detector Micro thermal conductivity detector (MTCD)
 Battery type Rechargeable Li-ion battery
 Battery life 20 hours
 Audible alarm ≥90 dBa at 10 cm at 50 % relative humidity (room temperature)
 Factory calibration 5000 ppm helium (±5%) Leak: 0.0005 cc/sec (±5%)
 Data logging 10 days continuous
 Response (T90) 1 second
 Flow rate 2 cc/s
 Temperature Operating: 0°C to 50°C
 Humidity 0 – 99% R.H
 Weight 447g (approx.)
 Dimensions 320 x 80 x 55 mm (approx.)